Friday, September 19, 2008

Cornbread Apple Pie and Agency

Fist of, my apologies to anyone who got “Rick Rolled”, I couldn’t help myself.  My wife was pissed.


Now on to business before I fall asleep.  I have not had any time to post this entire week. It has been crazy.

Man, so much to say so little blog space. I was happy to read your blog.  I was like, “ Yes! Yes! Yes! NO! NO!  and I’m spent.”  At some times I felt you had me…and I was cheering you on…….. and then you lost me.


I was first impressed that you do not fall into the category of what I call “Bumper Sticker Politics”.  You know these people.  They are usually about 2 hours behind their favorite TV pundit, spouting their party’s daily catch phrase. (You hear me you Jon Stewart fans.) You did bring up the “I can see Russia from my house” comment, this is fine given it is not the rock that you are building your house on.  Sadly most people’s point of view doesn’t go beyond the last politically insignificant celebrity rant.  I mean, I do hope to someday have the infinite wisdom of people like Lindsey Lohan and  Matt Damon. However I still haven’t formed an opinion myself because Pauly Shore hasn’t told me what to think yet.  Come on!

Agency, right on….people should be able to choose!  However you said, “….our attitude while …….being forced……is ours alone.”  And I feel that, that in it self should not be just mentioned in passing.  Next I believe in equality but not in the liberal sense of the word because it usually is confused with the crab theory, where we all have to sit in the bucket until we “all” decide to work hard enough to get out.  Sorry, back to the point.  You said,“ people guilty of repeated anti-social and criminal behavior can be proven un trustworthy”  Although I believe this, one has to fear who gets to make the decision.  And once precedence is set it could get very slippery from there.  (need further discussion)


As for forgiveness, I agree.  I do find that forgiveness is sometimes….er  often….um   completely…missing in politics.  Everyone thinks they have taken the moral highroad on this but…no they haven’t.


As for the Law of Consecration,  “DD” you deserve a cookie…Most people don’t take into consideration that the law of consecration is Voluntary.  As it should be.  One point to consider, in the law of consecration they would never give me 100 acres to work, or whole office full of dental equipment.  If they did I would be the first to say that is not an inspired action. I would not have a clue what to do with it.  But that is not equality.  I thought the law of consecration was going to give everyone a plot of ground and a dental chair.  Not So!

I believe that if “taking only what you need and passing the rest on to those in need” was an eternal principle.  Then I would contend that when we all die and hopefully gain all that the Father hath.  That we should only take what we need and pass the rest down a kingdom or two, dare I say three.  I don’t recall that Sunday school lesson.  I know some people that got jipped out of a body that could go for that.  I think the Lord helps those that help themselves.  Remember the Lord does teach that there are wicked and slothful servants.


As for the abortion thing…...well our beliefs are closer than you think.

I believe in a woman’s right to choose. If the child is a product of forced sexual abuse or a threat to the mother’s life. The baby (who is a living child) very sadly becomes a victim of that circumstance.  But this is where it ends.  In your argument you imply that a few abortions of convenience are screwing things up for rape victims everywhere.  I would ask for statistics on this but I don’t think that a true number exists.  I went to high school I know that when you forge a note from home to get out of school, you never write down your actual reason for missing class.  There for I am sure that rape is a very common reason for doing it however, if you were to contrast it to actual charges filed, you would see another picture.  For this reason I wouldn’t trust a lot of statistical data.

Beyond that my personal opinion is that the “choice” needs to be made before the pants hit the floor.  “I couldn’t help myself” doesn’t fly….


This leads me to gun control.  When was the last time you heard “I couldn’t help myself” offered up as a defense in a murder case?  That sounds like jail time to me.  And when someone attacks another person and the attacker is shot and killed.  I am not aware of someone truly acting in defense being imprisoned.  Note that when ever a body is found you can always count on a criminal investigation and in most cases a trial.  This is not how abortion is treated.  Abortion as a form of birth control is wrong and I feel you would agree. I feel this logic lends itself to the abortion debate.     

And NO I don’t believe in further gun control because it only keeps them out of the hands of law abiding citizens.


Anyways…. I have more to say but I tried to stay on point. It is late and I am going to bed.


Goodnight,   and God bless the United States……… all 57 of them.

